Kung Hei Fat Choi (in Chinese), Happy New Year (in English), Manigong Bagong Taon (in Filipino) and Malipayong Bag-ong Tuig (in Bisaya)! Those were the four languages/dialects wherein I can pronounce the new years greetings.

In each country, we have our own customs and traditions to welcome the new year. In the Philippines, one common tradition it to prepare 13 fruits – we call this “13 Lucky Fruits for the New Year“. My holiday season was really busy so I took the chance to order a set from Ms. Sahlie Baquiran, their store is called Cody’s la Tienda through Facebook.

The “13 Lucky Fruits for the New Year” were packed in a set, impressive!

Our family has been practicing this tradition ever since, you might be wondering why its 13, an unlucky number. As I surf the internet for the reason behind this, I stumbled upon CNN’s iReport stories (not vetted) and here’s what I’ve got:

“13 is actually a lucky number and having round fruits signifies coins so having a lot will bring luck and prosperity this coming 2009 (year)… Most people follow these traditions because of the luck that they would like to earn… Sometimes, effort in earning a living is not enough, people resort to beliefs to help them strive better even if its only on the psychological level… ” says iReport user jvabellar.

I have nothing against the family tradition, in fact, I look forward to our 2014 “13 Lucky Fruits for the New Year”. I believe it is sort of a neutralizer from the meaty season that has passed. May all this 13 fruits bring good health for more wealth. Again, from the bottom of my heart, Happy New Year!

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By vicmadz

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