Twenty Twelve, oh, 2012 – a big year has ended and 2013 starts today. I have decided to come up an opening blog for 2012 evaluating the previous year that has passed and moving forward to 2013. Happy New Year! I wish you a prosperous year ahead.

Bigger Responsibility

2012 was the year with bigger responsibilities. Being installed as the President of CDO Bloggers, Inc. gave me more pressure for my self to lead a group of amazing bloggers and social media practioners with amazing ideas. Cheers to more years of serving Cagayan de Oro! It has been a rockin’ rollin year for us!

I am also blessed with so works and bigger projects being a Trainer at a Fortune 500 Company. Up to this point of time, I am really greatful to be part of a dynamic team that strives for excellence. They have pushed me to aim for the best. Let’s win this!

Going Beyond Cagayan de Oro

The 5 days Bohol experience together with the Trainers was a trigger for myself to go out and explore the world. Bohol, an amazing Island, I shall return. The CDO Bloggers also visited the Iligan Bloggers at Iligan – the City of Majestic Waterfalls, you are so dear to me. I have come to realize that in 360 degree view, both Cities have common things and thus I call them the Sister Cities.

Exploring Cagayan de Oro

We ended 2011 with Sendong that swept the City and the region but never the less CDO is back on its feet and moving forward with CDO Bloggers and the local online community to really promote CDO to the world. I have attended a lot of events this year – a record breaking for me and an accomplishment as well.

Connecting with Media

It’s not only a mere connection but also understading the word media as a whole. This was the year of ties. It was an opportunity to meet the CDO NUJP members and the CDO Press. 2012 was the year of TV exposure, 2 in a week. I have also come to realize that being in the media requires a big responsibility to your friends and mostly to the blog readers/followers.

Confidence Builder

In downtimes, I have realized that I can do things above my emotions. I have learned to think before doing anything. Confidence is not an overnight thing. You need to fuel it with what I call “little” confidence events in your life.

Social Media for Change

If you can recall, I created a blog post against a big pizza chain in the Philippines. It was tough, I needed more confidence and thus I was able to find it. After a few months, I have seen that branch transform. A transformation that I could not claim but maybe contributed. I have also proven that Social Media can really change and influence on how we think and how we deal with emotions. Let me share this video I saw on TED.


Behind the name VICMADZ is a person that has gone through a lot of life changing events this year, it could be sad events or the ones we look forward – Triumphs! I pray for more maturity to handle difficult situations that will make me a better person inside.

2013 will be the year of…

Bigger social media events.
More speaking engagement in any medium.
More exciting and challenging projects at work.
More sponsors for my 2 blogs.
More learning venues and added knowledge.
More time for myself and my family.
More engaging connections.
a Business, investment and savings.
More travel destinations. 

Show your support for VICMADZ. If you find the information helpful, share ’em in your favorite social media sites. Thank you in advance!
Relax and Chill! VICMADZ

By vicmadz

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