On its 8th year, Spruce Designers Network never failed to bring Make Your Own Havaianas known as MYOH to Cagayan de Oro and thank you Spruce Philippines for the invite! MYOH-CDO-2013-16 After joining their events, I have realized that there are benefits in joining the biggest flip-flops customization in the country and below are the top reasons why you should join the yearly Make Your Own Havaianas: First, it activates you CREATIVE mind. I believe that creativity is innate to us human being. I normally hear people saying that they are not creative and I would be to disagree – You are Creative in your own way. (Just the way you are…) Designing your own pair is pretty much challenging and that is the next reason.

Second, Decision Making. Deciding what you really want to have or what you really need is a also a tough decision. During the pre-event that Spruce organized, it really took me long to decide on which sole and strap will I use. There were a few deciding factors like the color combination and probably the compatibility of the colors to my usual “t-shirt-shorts” lifestyle during the weekend. Untitled Make Your Own Havaianas 2013 - #myohcdo2013 Third, Socializing and totally not social climbing. I’d like to quote one of the lines I have shared during my talk last March at the Social Media Influencers Summit 2013“Communication is the key to human connection. At the end of the day, we just want to connect.” Through this event I have gained new friends, friends who share the same passion and the same interest, the comfy slippers of Havaianas! Have fun making new friends. Make Your Own Havaianas 2013 - #myohcdo2013 Lastly, don’t forget to Experience Havaianas! This is my first ever pair. A lot of my work friends would say that Havaianas depicts the word – Comfy. I agree with them, the brand wouldn’t last long without any benefit. If I may add, simplicity plus fashion. See you next year Havaianatico!

Shout out toe Spruce for my first ever Havaianas pair! Thank you so much!

By vicmadz

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