How can one brand be best remembered when most of the products and services are just the same?

One thing – the uniqueness that the brand gives to its customers.

Here’s an inspiring brand for those who are in the hospitality industry:


I was in a middle of a quick decision on where to eat for lunch and I have two options – Brand B and C. These two brands were selling like hotcakes since it’s the time of the day that most of us eat. These brands had almost similar foot traffic, but different in one aspect – Customer Management.

I chose brand C since the line was short though both was jam-packed with hungry customers. When I got in to Brand C – I WAS SURPRISED. As I lined up, a staff approached me and took my order. Pretty common right.

Now the INTERESTING PART is this… (Not all food chains do this)

He gave me the total of the order and offered he can take care of it and took the payment gracefully. He also suggested that I take my seat.

On the back of my head – “THIS IS PECULIAR.” I was totally distracted by that thought so I decided to observe. Yes, I was eavesdropping and here’s what I have learned from Brand C.

I WASN’T SPECIAL – They’ve done the same thing with the succeeding customers. All of us were special.
Their listening skills were comparable with the CRYSTAL – it was clear. The customers doesn’t have to repeat their instructions.

Expectations were set and they go beyond that – I heard no complains.

They are not the “trying hard” pleasers. You’d know if someone is being inauthentic. Authencity is the key.
Shall I go back to Brand C next time? Absolutely YES.

It’s not the logo that will make me comeback, it’s the BRANDED EXPERIENCE.

P.S. Currently reading a book with the same title as the blog posts – “Branded Customer Service, The New Competitive Edge” by Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart. Thanks Ms. Irene of for bringing me to the bookstore and introducing me to this insightful book. I have never left the place without a book on hand. 🙂

By vicmadz

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