#CNXDiyes, dubbed as the 10th Year-ender party of the largest BPO Company in Northern Mindanao was truly a day to remember. I have been connected with the company for almost 8 years now and this is one event I look forward. It was indeed a celebration to remember for the following reasons:

  • My colleagues and the rest of the people inside Limketkai Center’s atrium are on their best foot forward in their awesome black and white themed dresses and suits.


  • Sumptuous food array – Sentro 1850 pulls off and fed over a thousand of people.


  • Jaw-dropping performances from the in-house talent group and talents across the city. ASAP-level style! Special shout out to Madam Wong!


  • Lastly, I am a big fan of the lights! They’ve spice up the event! It was definitely stunning!

cnxdiyes lights

This big event wouldn’t be complete without wearing the creation of one of CDO’s Best Designer, Gil Macaibay III, who was also hailed as the Fashion Designer of the Year in the recently concluded Urban Life Awards 2014.

vicmadz wears gil macaibay

Tita Gil, thank you for making me gwapo every year-end party! This has been my second year end-party wearing your creation and you never fail to transform the non-fashionista Vic. There is always that proud feeling that I’m wearing a Gil Macaibay-creation.(READ: “The Feeling of Wearing Gil Macaibay’s Creation at the #CNXFireIce” blog last 2013.) Now I wonder if I’m qualified to be one of your GLITTERATI models. (Ambisyosong Vic, pero malay mo. LOL)

Social Media has also played a great role in the biggest year-end party this side of the region. We may have been visible in between gaps but the virtual world has also been noisy with tons of posts as the party nears.

It has truly amplified the brand, the excitement of the people and the preparations done.

Let me show you the stats:

cnxdiyes tagboard

Complete photos and posts here: #CNXDiyes Tagboard

Hosting the Social Media hub with the lovely and witty Jury Cinco. I’ve said this before on Facebook, “It has always been a thrilling experience to be co-hosting with Jury in the ‪#‎CNXdiyes‬ Social Media Hub.I can still remember years ago when I 1st hosted a group event with her – grabe ka kulba (it was nerve wracking) and then Jury would tell me – “Ok ra na Vic” (That’s okay, Vic). Jur, Daghang salamat sa mga tips! Sa uulitin.” (Jur, thanks for the tips. Until the next time.). To Jeff, thanks for the trust!


I’d like to end this post with a quote from the most influential fashion designers in late 20th century,Karl Lagerfeld, “What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”

These indeed are priceless moment worth keeping.

Special shout out to the Social Media Team – it wouldn’t be successful without your help! (wink)


By vicmadz

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