The CDOBloggers had a meeting together with Jules Veloso of Geiser Maclang last March 2012 at Honey Tree Café, Velez St. Cagayan de Oro City in line with the Extreme Mindanao project that aims to revive the tourism of Northern Mindanao after the impact that Typhoon Sendong brought to the region. The Geiser Maclang Team is helping CDO rise back again in terms of business, tourism, employment, housing and many more. Below are the pictures from the fruitful and productive meeting.
(L-R) Roxanne, Jacqs, Venus and Mommy Dharlz

Me, presenting the eXtreme Mindanao Slide Deck

(L-R) Roxanne, Venus, Mommy Dharlz, Jules Veloso, Jacqs and Me

Relax and Chill! vicmadz

By vicmadz

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