I admit it. I am such a lazy dude. Growing up with the computer infront of me made me (i think) stubborn and moved me away from physical activities. I am getting older (yep I think that way) and I don’t want to die that early. I wanna live forever. There’s a part of me that wanted to be imortal maybe influenced from the movie with the same title. Both sides of my family are suffering from, let say – curse in an exaggerated way. Both sides with hypertensive histories, cancer and all the stuff in the world. I find it dificult to do “physical” activities. I have an inspiration but its not enough. Then I turn to Pinterest. The pictures below are my “repins” on my “drive to be fit” board. I collect this pictures for me to be reminded to love my body more than else. [<a href=”http://storify.com/vicmadz/finding-the-drive-to-be-fit” target=”_blank”>View the story “Finding the Drive to be Fit” on Storify</a>] Thank you also to my CNX-CDO Training Family for the drive. Surely, it helps. Relax and Chill! -vicmadz