After reading the title of this blog post, you could have several questions floating around your head – questions like:

What else do I need to know?
How can I start saving?
What are my personal financial goals?

World Financial Marketing Alliance Inc. or WFMA was established to meet an individual, a family or a group’s financial need. It is dedicated to teach simple financial concepts which will enable you to make your money work effectively and efficiently towards achieving your financial goals.

WFMA Building a Solid Financial Foundation

WFMA CDO will be flying in Michael Martinez, CEO-MD of WFMA Philippines, to share his expertise in building a solid financial foundation. He has been sharing the good words about financial literacy with WFMA for 6 years now. Before that, he took up AB Economics in DLSU and went to the US to work.

I personally invite you to join this free limited seats seminar on financial literacy. It will be on August 14, 2013 Wednesday 6:30PM at Dynastry Court Hotel, Tiano-Hayes Sts. Cagayan de Oro City.

Never stop learning! Send me a Facebook message now through the VICMADZ Facebook Page.

By vicmadz

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