business owners mistakes on social media

The way we package our business to our customers has changed. It shifted to digital. While traditional print marketing continues to sustain businesses across the world, for the majority, it’s not anymore fit for purpose. What’s worst is Covid-19 came and business owners like you scrambled to make ends meet and turn to digital to showcase what you have. The pandemic has wreaked havoc like we’ve never seen before in living memory and has made you and fellow business owners embrace social.

You might ask, could social media move your business from point A to B? I’d say yes, I have handled small businesses thrive on social media and included it as part of their marketing mix.

From the start of the pandemic, I’ve received over 500+ invites to like their Facebook page. I’ve intentionally did not accept every invite to see the figures. Astonishingly, that five times the normal invite I’d received in a year. Meaning my friends have gone to the entrepreneurial route which is pretty impressive.

I’ve gone through a couple of pages. I must commend them embracing social to promote their business or project. It’s a fantastic move. It’s simple to create a page but it takes a lot of thinking of putting content out there.

There was this particular page that I have seen that got me scrolling on every post. It’s a restaurant promoting its dishes, contact numbers, delivery options and different apps to download where they can order for takeaway or delivery. Whew. What a mouthful of things to promote.

Promotion is good. It tells your customers what products or services you may have that they want or need but too much promotional stuff can be tough. If your post contains too many messages, you may not be able to highlight the product or service well. You wouldn’t get their attention with countless things to say. I mean it’s good when the features are presented or the benefits but if the message doesn’t correlate to one another, how on earth would you be able to sustain their attention.

Too many thoughts in a post on social media is the number one mistake all business owners with business pages make. Relax, social media should be social. Remember your customers are reading on a mobile device and with a lot of distraction and competition, you have to get their attention easy and quick.

In a social post, make it simple. Highlight a product or service and tell them how to get it. Cut the story short. You’re not writing a novel. You only have less than 5 seconds to get them hooked. Never complicate, simplify things for your customers.

If you want to know more of the mistakes business owners make on social, feel free to contact me. I’m a social media specialist here in London and could potentially help you.

By vicmadz

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