Do you have any acne problems? Have you heard anybody of your friends saying your face is DISGUSTING? Am I hearing a Yes? I’ll give you options then. Your friends are blunt to tell you that word in front of you and you take it as a challenge to improve. I meant being presentable to everyone. Or is is a big NO? You can just feel that he or she is disgusted with my face and ignore. There’s a lot of things to consider. Ayt?

One piece of advice, LISTEN, improve yourself or IGNORE them if its not true. I must say we can’t please everybody, there would always be side comment perhaps from the insecure ones. The sad thing is most of the time we are judged via our physical appearance and not by who we are beneath.

Don’t just sit and whine about those things, make the effort. A solution is always out there and all you got to do is look around.

Eureka!I have found it. Zenbiosis, a Medical and Aesthetic Clinic owned by author/ beauty blogger and also a physician who pursued her passion for beauty, she is no other than Dra. Grace Pamparo-Bandoy. I am a regular customer at Zenbiosis since they opened last November 2012 and look forward to their basic facial cleaning. If I may add, their Customer Service is Superb!

2 weeks ago Dra Grace suggested that I do the Acne Facial, Chemical Peeling and a few acne injections. They say “No Pain, No Gain”. The pain is tolerable and I must say that she was able to surpass my expectations. I now have a point of comparison from jumping one clinic to the other last 2 years and it was bloody (in Harry Potter accent). The Zenbiosis Chemical Peeling to decrease the amount of oil in my face was not painful at all, no need for any fan or even ice cubes to lessen the pain.

Oh before I forget, let me share my pictures during the facial, chemical peel and acne injections.

Dra. Grace doing the Chemical Peeling.
The acne injections!

Weeks after my session, I am still a satisfied Zenbiosis Baby! This time, I am now more confident to face people.

I admire Dra. Grace and her clinic, Zenbiosis, for making their services affordable . Yes, I’d like to quote Ms. Nadi, a colleague, “a fraction” as she describes it. Dra. Grace’s mission is to make people beautiful and restoring the confidence within. I say fuel your confidence by improving yourself.

I’m sure no more DISGUSTING comments and say Hello to Compliments! May you have a great day ahead! I am looking forward to a total skin rejuvenation.

You should pay Dra. Grace a visit at Zenbiosis Medical and Aesthetic Clinic. They clinic is located at Door 3 AB Santiago Bldg. Velez-Gaerlan Sts., Cagayan de Oro City. You may also contact them at 09173266893 and 850-0554. They are open Mondays-Saturday 10am to 7pm.

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By vicmadz

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