Dale David, Founder of Pickld (Screen capture from his About.me Page)

Pickld is the new social networking app you will love.

Do you love social media? Social media has become a relevant communication tool at the present time. We use social media to get information on the latest and as an outlet to express ourselves online.I bet majority of us have been hooked to either Facebook, Instagram or Twitter but there’s more to that.

Introducing Pickld – a social networking app developed by Filipinos.

Dale David, Founder of Pickld (Screen capture from his About.me Page)
Dale David, Founder of Pickld (Screen capture from his About.me Page)

I first saw this being introduced on TV Patrol last January 2016 and couldn’t help to dig deeper on the story it has to tell. I am fortunate to land an exclusive interview with its founder Dale David. The print version appears today on UrbanLife column.

WATCH my EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Pickld’s Founder Dale David.

Below is the transcript of the online interview.

Vic: Why Pickld is the Name of the App?

Dale: Pickld is about preserving your story. When you say Pickld, it’s about preserving something. If it’s a pickled cucumber, you are trying to preserving the cucumbers. Likewise for people, we are preserving stories and moments.

Vic: What is your cause of putting Pickld?

Dale: We are not competing with the likes of Instagram or Facebook. It’s more likely of complementing them. It’s good to be using Picked, Facebook and Instagram at the same time.

Facebook is more of the highlights of your life. Like going out of the country or climbing a mountain. So you take photos and upload it on Facebook.

Instagram is more like a collection of beautiful photos. So you take a photo of an object or a scenery and put a beautiful filter so it would look more exciting. Those pictures will be part of your collections.

For Pickld, it’s more about your ordinary moments and the things you do on a regular basis. It’s taking a snapshot of those moments and uploading it on Pickld. It’s not about showing the best part of your life. These are photos not shown on Facebook. We encourage people to show these photos on Pickld.

People also feel that they can’t upload these photos as they are not that exciting. With Pickld, it’s a venue where they post the ordinary. With pickled, it’s your story and its your moments.

Vic: Why is it only 8 moments?

Dale: At this point, we just want to put a limit on what we capture per day. We just don’t want them to post all the photos every now and then. Sometimes, I see people instead of experiencing the moment of being there, what they do is hold the camera of the next hour and start taking picture and sometimes you would lose the experience of being there.

So we kinda put a limit so that after taking a couple those photos, those are only photos that would best remember your moment and that would be enough for you to remember the day.

One of Pickld’s purpose is it acts as your diary. If you would want to remember what you did on a particular day, the app will serve as your diary. Most of the time, we tend to forget the things we did on a certain date. It’s one way of connecting different moments.

Your own story and being authentic. Do you see other social media users just pretending to be in coffee shops or putting a lot of filters on their photos?

I’m not saying that it’s bad but we encourage other people who are kinda shy of uploading their ordinary moments to upload them. Sometimes people think it’s not social media-worthy. What matters for us is for you to be able to capture your moments. The moments you put together becomes your story. At the end of our lives, all we would leave behind are our stories. People in the future will see the kind of live and reminsece what you have done.

Vic: How many are you in the Pickld team?

Dale: It’s about 8 of us. It’s quite a small team we have. It is quite all right for us to execute the concepts we have in mind.

Vic: How do you see Pickld 2-5 years now?

Dale: We are hoping that eventually the Pickld app will be used in a global scale.

The story behind Pickld. It’s partly an advocacy for us.

We started this group wherein we focus on promoting Filipino culture and pride. When I was in the US, i realized that some Filipinos are not so proud of being Pinoy. So I came back here, so I asked my former professor – what could be the reason behind it?

They said that, one of my friends told me – sometimes you deny something if you’re not proud of it. So, what are the things we are proud of? So we started contributing articles of what are the things we are proud of – it became a book “Filipino Pride”. That is the primary reason of why I’m back in the Philippines and roamed around the country and visited public schools and talked about having pride of being a Filipino.

We are too focused that nation building is about building infrastructure , for us, if you want to build a nation, we believe in, if you want to build in this nation, invest in the mind and the hearts of the Filipinos. The advocacy started well, the book, and somewhat successful.

The problem was going around the country was a bit expensive for us. It’s a non-profit cause, we thought of a next project to continue promoting the Filipino culture without having to spend. We had the technical background – we decided to create a Filipino-themed game, and people from all over the world can download it – it’s called “Sipa”.

What’s our next project that would impact not only the Philippines but also the world – we thought of Pickld.

We do something that has global appeal and hoping that someday that Filipinos would recognize an app and use it even if you’re not from the Philippines.

Vic: Will there be a new version of the app?

Dale: Chat, new features, it’s quite a major upgrade in a way.

Vic: Are you gearing towards the business side for Pickld?

Dale: The way they approach message is being more personalized. They want to create a certain bond with the consumers. With pickled, it’s one way of showcasing the more personal side of their business. You can capture the daily moments behind the kitchen or any scenario. It kinda makes it more relatable to the consumer behind the big brands.

Vic: Dale, any message to our viewers and readers before we end this interview?

Dale: It’s too hard to do things if you’re not passionate about it. For pickled, we put our hearts, our minds, so that we can put something that Filipinos can be proud off.

We’re creating this app for the country in a way.

Capture those ordinary yet meaningful moments, try and download “Pickld” on Google Play Store for the Android users and the App Store for the iOS users.

By vicmadz

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