Photo by Phebie Anne Normandia - CDO Bloggers Awards 2013

For almost 3 years of being in the Training and Development industry, I have made a decision to move to the Social Media Team for the Company that I’m working for.

After nights of thinking and weighing if I really need do this, a concrete decision has been made.

Photo by Phebie Anne Normandia - CDO Bloggers Awards 2013
Photo by Phebie Anne Normandia – CDO Bloggers Awards 2013

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Training Family for the fruitful 2 years and 8 months stay. It was truly an experience that I can boast to the whole wide world. I’ve learned a lot from doing the new hire stuff, follow through, the special projects that were confidently assigned to me, and the most would be the classroom or lab interaction that I get to do the past few years.

The training experience made me realized that we all have the capability to take in a skill, but it’s up to us to use it and harness it. To add, I have truly valued the word “Communication”. To communicate, we need to LISTEN, UNDERSTAND, before we can CONNECT to another individual. I shall treasure and bring ALL things that I have learned and acquired to my next job role.

Social Media is not new to me. Being the Head of the CDO Bloggers for 2 years and being in the blogging scene for over 5 years, I have come to love and embrace this virtual medium where I get to engage with the rest of the world. I shall take all my learning and share the goodness of the medium that I breathe to Social Media family.

Remember this: Explore, learn and master it.

By vicmadz

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