The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a movement involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s head to promote awareness on the disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourages donations to research.

Ice Bucket Challenge

Jacqs of has nominated me to take the challenge and I am taking it wholeheartedly. This movement will be my share in letting everyone know of this worthy cause. As of writing, there is still no cure to ALS. The challenge is to take the dare or donate a hundred dollars to, or you can do both. After taking the ice bucket challenge you are to nominate 3 to do the same within 24 hours. This movement originated last 2013 to create awareness and fundraising about cancer then shifted focus to ALS.

I am nominating Ms. Ems of, Mai2x from the Training Team and Andy from the Social Media Team.

I pray that a cure shall be seen and discovered anytime soon.

By vicmadz

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