Wohoo! I am just excited to share that my personal blog made it to the final list of the Mindanao Blog Awards 2013 – Best Personal Blog Category.

MBA2013 - Best Personal Blogs
A screen capture from the Mindanao Blog Awards facebook announcement

6 Fruitful years of blogging, 6 amazing years, there were ups and downs and I must say that through the years of blogging I have learned a lot of lessons. I must also say that it has improved my personality, on how I communicate with people around me offline or online.

To the people who nominated me, thank you for making my blog as the best personal blog for you. Having been nominated and being a finalist is already a big thing for me.

Despite my busy schedule, this will really inspire me to blog more. Again, thank you very much for all the support.

Relax and chill!

This is the Guy with a Big Voice,

The Mindanao Blog Awards 2013 is initiated and organized by Alleba Marketing and Events, working together with the most active blogging communities in the Island of Mindanao, Bukidnon Bloggers, Cagayan de Oro Bloggers, Inc, Davao Bloggers, Iligan Bloggers, Inc., Soccsksargen Bloggers, and Zamboanga City Bloggers.

By vicmadz

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